Thursday, February 4, 2010

Where to get coupons?

The most common question I get when people find out I coupon is "where do you get them"? I use 3 different types of coupons - paper, printable, and e-coupons

Paper - These are coupons that come from the Sunday insert in the Chronicle. There are coupons every week. The number of coupon inserts depend on the week. There are NEVER coupons on a Holiday weekend. There are also coupons tons of other places. You just have to keep an eye out for them. They are in little dispensers in the grocery store "blinkies". They print out and come waded up with the receipt the cashier hands you at the grocery store. Sometimes, they are stuck to products you buy. Coupons may show up in your mail box with sample products or tucked or printed in the pages of your favorite magazine. You can often subscribe to coupons that will delivered via mail at manufacturer websites. You'll be surprised how many coupons you see when you start looking for them.

Printable - These coupons can be printed off the internet. There are websites dedicated to printable coupons and a lot of manufacturer web sites have coupons you can print. My favorites are:

Just check the coupons you want and hit print. You will have to download some software, but it just takes a second. Keep in mind you can print 2 of each coupon from each computer. If you have multiple computers or access to multiples computers the more great deals you can get.

Right now there is a great coupon for Goldfish at making them $.13 at Kroger when you buy 10 participating products. It's a great coupon if you have kids or just like Goldfish.

E-Coupons - These are coupons you don't even have to touch. They won't get lost in your purse or diaper bag. You'll never forget them when you head out to shop. You just load them to your store loyalty card and away you go. The most wonderful thing about e-coupons is that you can combine them with paper coupons. This is the best way to get stuff for FREE. Yes F-R-E-E!!!! Right now you are only able to use e-coupons at Kroger and Randall's, but I have a feeling that they are going to spread like crazy. U-Promise has coupons that can be used at CVS, but you don't get money off, the money goes to an account for your child's college. I just stated doing this. I'll let you know how it goes. Right now I have $1.36 and 2 kiddos.. I don't think that will go very far :) The 3 e-coupon sites are:

The Kroger site only has a couple, but worth a look. Both Cellfire and Shortcuts add new coupons every other Tuesday. You have to load the coupons to your card in order for them to work. You can download 50 coupons from each site. There are never that many coupons so I just load everything I think I might use. It can't hurt.

Happy coupon searching.

1 comment:

  1. Hi...thanks so much for this blog! I am totally new to this so I'm trying to learn as much as I can. I have a question about the e-coupons though. I went to cellfire and looked at some of them and they say "May not be combined with other offers." Which leads me to believe you would not be able to use both those and the paper coupons for the same item...??
